MN wolf-livestock-conflict prevention grants!

Post date: Apr 17, 2015 9:20:53 PM

Finally, a proposal to implement livestock Best Management Practices for non-lethal depredation control!

Minnesota Senate, 2015, SF 2082: Lourey, Saxhaug, Sparks. Wolf/livestock conflict-prevention grants

A program like this was called for in the 2001 MN Wolf Management Plan (14 years ago, if you were counting).

This program would be eligible for matching federal funds (Smith 2010, USFWS 2014).

More history in the blog entry "Why don't we have the livestock depredation-control BMPs we asked for? Why are we asking again?"


The Minnesota Department of Agriculture may award grants to Minnesota livestock producers for the cost of practices to prevent wolf-livestock conflicts.

Grants may be awarded for:

  1. Guard animals;
  2. Wolf barriers including fencing, fladry, and pens;
  3. Wolf-deterring lights and alarms;
  4. Calving or lambing shelters;
  5. Etc.

Grant recipients must make the following good-faith efforts:

  1. Avoid wolf-livestock conflicts;
  2. Care for guard animals;
  3. Document the expenses;
  4. Report annually on the effectiveness of the non-lethal methods; and
  5. Allow follow-up evaluation and monitoring.

Author and co-authors

MN Senator Tony Lourey
MN Senator Tom Saxhaug
MN Senator Dan Sparks

Minnesota Senators Tony Laurey, Tom Saxhaug, and Dan Sparks.


Smith, Paul. 2010. "Feds Announce New Wolf Depredation Funds to Wisconsin, Other States." Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 1.

USFWS. 2014. FY 2014 Wolf-Livestock Demonstration Project Grants. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service.